2023 Tri-State Battodo Taikai

Seminar Instructors

Andrew Delikta
Andrew Delikta Sensei represents the MiZU Hi Kobukai Shinto Ryu.
He is the Dojo Cho of the Furyukan Dojo in Westland, Michigan. He holds the rank of Hachidan Okuden in Shin Shin Ryu American Renmei, Yondan in Nakamura-ryu Battodo, as well as Shodan ranks in Ryu Sei Ken Battodo and Aikido through the International Budo Ryokukai.
Delikta Sensei has 27 years of training and teaching experience in the various martial arts listed above, plus he travels to Japan to teach and judge at various taikai.
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David Drawdy
David Drawdy Sensei is a director of the Capital Area Budokai and Dojo Cho of the Virginia Kenkonkai. Drawdy Sensei is Nanadan, Renshi in Nakamura-ryu Battodo and a Shibucho (branch chief) in the International Batto Do Federation.
He lived and trained in Japan while stationed there in the U.S. Army. While in Japan, he trained under Nakamura Soke learning first hand the art of Battodo. In addition, Drawdy Sensei is a Yondan in Mugai-ryu Iaihyodo under the Yokohama Mugaikai branch of the Shiryukai.
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Erik Johnstone
Erik Johnstone Sensei has been a practitioner of traditional and classical Japanese and Okinawan martial traditions for more than 30 years. He is a member of the Kokusai Nippon Budo Kai (KNBK), studying the Koryu arts of Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaijutsu, Ono-ha Itto-ryu Kenjutsu and Shindo Muso-ryu Jojutsu directly under Carl Long, Hanshi, 22nd Generation Soshihan of the Masaoka line of Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iai-Heiho and Kaicho of the KNBK.
He also had frequent opportunities to study with Masayuki Shimabukuro, Hanshi, 21st Generation Soshihan and Founder of the KNBK. Johnstone Sensei holds the teaching license of Shihan-Dai and the title of Doshi in the KNBK.
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Rodrigo Kong
Rodrigo Kong Sensei is a Godan in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and the Dojo Cho of Yushinkan Dojo in NYC. Daito-ryu, along with other styles of jujutsu, was a fundamental martial skill for all bushi in feudal Japan. It employs a wide range of throwing, pinning, disarming, and joint immobilizing techniques, and is the parent style of modern Aikido.
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Paul Manogue
Paul Manogue Sensei has been studying the martial arts since 1981. He has studied Korean and Japanese Karate, Western foil and saber fencing, and Western boxing. While living in Japan, he began studying Yoshinkan Aikido, but eventually switched to the Osaka Buikukai, a branch of the Aikikai. Manogue Sensei studied Edo Yagyu Shin Kage-ryu directly under the current soke and also trained in Tennen Rishin-ryu, Niten Ichi-ryu, Shindo Muso-ryu Jo, Bujinkan Ninpo, and Tai Chi.
After returning to the United States in 1994, he continued Aikido practice and began teaching Yagyu Shin Kage-ryu. Manogue Sensei continues to explore other martial arts as well, including Jun Fan Gung Fu, Kali, Silat, Machado Jiujitsu, Muy Thai and Capoeira.
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Valiant Yeung
Valiant Yeung Sensei holds the rank of Godan Renshi in Ryushin Shouchi Ryu.
Valiant Yeung Sensei’s goal is to impart his knowledge and skill acquired over 17 years of training in Iaido to his students as deeply and sincerely as possible.
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Russell Gordon
Russell Gordon Sensei is the Dojo Cho of Battodo of Monmouth County. He has the rank of Yondan in both USFBD and ZNTIR.
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Sang Kim
Sang Kim Sensei started practicing Kendo when we was 12 years old, and began his study of Toyama-ryu at 18 years old. He is the youngest to hold his rank in the Zen Nihon Toyama-ryu Iaido Renmei and has had great success at tournaments in Japan and the US.
Kim Sensei is the current president of the US Federation of Battodo. His ranks include Rokudan, Renshi in the Zen Nihon Toyama-ryu Iaido Renmei, Rokudan in the US Federation of Battodo, Yondan in Toyama-ryu Seizankai, and Nidan in Kendo.
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Masaki Kurihara
Masaki "Marky" Kurihara Sensei is the Dojo Cho of Koshinkai Dojo in Ardsley, NY. He holds the rank of Godan in the Zen Nihon Toyama-ryu Iaido Renmei, Yondan in the US Federation of Battodo, Yondan in the Zen Nihon Batto Do Renmei, Shodan in Toyama-ryu Seizankai, and Sandan with All United States Kendo Federation.
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Noah Mitchell
Noah Mitchell Sensei began training in Okinawan karate in 1983. In the 1990s, he began training in Matayoshi-Ryu Kobudo and became a member of the Matayoshi Kobudo Kyokai USA. In the 2000s, Mitchell Sensei started training in Toyama-ryu, and is currently the Dojo Cho of Mountain Stream Budo.
He holds the rank of Nanadan in Karate, Roku-Menkyo in Jujitsu, Yondan in both ZNTIR and USFBD, and Shodan in Toyama-ryu Seizankai.
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Matt Odell
Matt Odell Sensei began practicing Aikido in 2002, and started practicing Toyama-ryu with Douglas Firestone Sensei in 2007. He is an instructor at Genbukan Dojo, and currently holds the rank of Yondan in the USFBD, Sandan in the ZNTIR, and Shodan in ZNBDR.
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